119 Dorset Rd, Scarborough,
ON M1M 2S9, Canada

Cracking the Mystery of Cavities: Exploring the Basics of Tooth Decay


Cavities are damaged areas in the teeth that develop into tiny holes. They are caused by a combination of factors, including bacteria, sugary foods, and poor oral hygiene.  Cavities, also known as tooth decay or dental caries, rank among the most common health problems worldwide. They affect people of all ages, though children and teenagers […]

Sleep Apnea Solutions: Breathe Easy, Rest Better!

Obstructive Sleep Apnea

Sleep apnea is a sleep disorder characterized by pauses in breathing or periods of shallow breathing during sleep. It’s a serious condition that can lead to various health complications. Sleep apnea is a common yet potentially severe condition, affecting millions worldwide. Recognizing its symptoms is crucial; they include loud snoring, choking or gasping during sleep, […]

Snoring Prevention Techniques: Silent Nights Ahead

Prevent snoring by maintaining a healthy weight and sleeping on your side. Avoid alcohol before bedtime as it can exacerbate the condition. Snoring—a common issue affecting countless individuals—can disrupt sleep quality and strain relationships. It’s not just the noise that’s bothersome; snoring can be a symptom of underlying health conditions, such as obstructive sleep apnea. […]

Sedation Dentistry: Your Gateway to Anxiety-Free Dental Care

successful sedation dentistry

Sedation dentistry helps patients relax during common dental procedures. It involves the use of medication to provide a calming experience. Sedation dentistry caters to those with dental anxiety or a low pain threshold, ensuring a stress-free visit to the dentist. This service ranges from mild sedatives for relaxation to deeper options that can induce sleep. […]

The Difference between Emergency and Routine Dental Care

immediate emergency dental care

Emergency dental care means immediate treatment for dental issues that require urgent attention, ensuring prompt relief and preventing further complications. In stressful situations where sudden tooth pain, severe injury, or other dental emergencies occur, receiving prompt care is crucial. Whether it’s a broken tooth, severe pain, or an abscess, Dorset Dental offers quick, efficient, and […]

6 Tips From Your Emergency Dentist In Scarborough, ON

urgent dental care

An emergency dentist provides urgent dental care, often offering same-day appointments. These professionals address acute oral pain, injuries, or infections requiring immediate attention. Seeking a Scarborough emergency dentist can be a crucial choice when faced with sudden dental issues such as a knocked-out tooth, severe toothache, or a broken crown. These experts aim to alleviate […]

The Best Family Dentist in Scarborough: Dorset Dental

Scarborough dental client

Why we are the Best Family Dentist in Scarborough When it comes to dental care for you and your loved ones in Scarborough, Dorset Dental is the top choice. Offering a comprehensive range of dental services and fostering a comfortable, friendly environment, our expert team caters to your family’s dental needs. In this detailed guide, […]

3 Reasons To Wear A Nightguard

Dorset Dental Blogs Dorset Dental Blogs​ 3 Reasons To Wear A Nightguard Many people clench and grind their teeth, especially at night whilst sleeping, which can lead to several unpleasant and painful symptoms. If you’re looking for a professional dentist in Scarborough to assist with this condition known as bruxism, the nightguard (a non-invasive treatment) […]